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Family Yoga
A ticket must be purchased for
each participating adult (18+) and youth (0-17)
. A youth ticket is not included with the purchase of an adult ticket.
If you are unable to reserve a ticket for all members of your family please call or email our office.
All children must be accompanied by a participating adult chaperone.
Additional non-participating guests must reserve or purchase a
general admission ticket here
Space is limited and registration is required.
The movement in this class is designed for families with children of toddler age (3yrs) to 10 years old. Children outside of this age range are always welcome to join! Tickets must be reserved for all.
Please Note:
Choose "other dates" and/or "other times" to view all Family Programs classes available for registration.
Members, be sure to sign in (upper right corner) to receive your discount. For questions about signing in see our
Registration FAQ here.
Non-members, if you have taken a class with us before, sign in with the email associated with your login (upper right corner).
For further questions please call (512) 232-0177 or email
Sunday March 10
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Event name
Start time
End time
Ticket type
Family Yoga
Sunday March 10
10:30 AM
11:15 AM